Customer Service
Commitment and Expertise to Keep Your Business Operating Successfully

Extensive Experience
Service and Support

Commitment to Innovation
Success Stories & Testimonials
“Star-Plus is very user friendly, so if we don’t have to put in a ton of training and maintenance. There’s labor savings there.”
~ Leigh Fehr-Little, Pharmacist, Owner
“The main reason why my overall experience with Auto-Star is highly positive is because of the technical and friendly staff that I have the pleasure of working with.”
~ Ahmed Younis, Director of Info Technology

The Sweet Potato
“Our store went through a move and expansion in 2017, along with a software upgrade, and your technical support was invaluable…I find the interface of both the backend and the POS really user-friendly.”
~ Amanda Gaw, Database Administrator

The Dover Market
“Auto-Star has proven to be a viable solution for our Supermarket retail business. It has given our company the ability to monitor our sales and control our inventory with quick and precise data.”
~ Perry Mason, Owner