Video Catalog

Explore our video catalog featuring insightful case studies, in-depth product and module demonstrations, industry-specific applications, and highlights from engaging events. At Auto-Star, we ensure our customers and partners have all the tools they need to choose the right POS technology.

Star-Plus POS

Designed for Grocery, Pharmacy & Natural Health


Canadian Pharmacy POS

Star-Link Retail Enterprise Management Solution by Auto-Star - A visual showing interconnected retail stores and a hand pointing at a store icon


Retail Enterprise Management Solution

ClearTEQ Merchant Services: Fully Integrated Payment Processing by Auto-Star - A hand tapping a credit card on a payment terminal.

ClearTEQ Merchant Services

Reliable & Secure Credit Card Processing


Quick Flip

PLU Lookup

Digital Coupons

8112 Digital Coupons


Memor 11 - Digital Handheld

Hardware Integration


Hardware Integration


Promotional graphic showcasing the Star-Plus Customer Service Modules by Auto-Star, featuring a tablet with a price-checker screen displaying the price of hand sanitizer at $0.99.

Mobile Delivery

Warehouse Management


Payment Processing

Tech Talks

Cyber Security

Tech Talks

Customer Showcase

Solutions Clinical Pharmacy


Farmacias Plaza

Puerto Rico

To Find Out How Auto-Star Can Make Your Business More Profitable, Contact Us Today!